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Huaihua Qihuang Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd.

Address:Luojiu Town, Zhijiang County, Huaihua City, Hunan Province (in the county industrial park)

Hot Tel13671548349

Boiler dust removal series-boiler smoke and desulfurization dust collector

Category: Dust Collector

Boiler smoke desulfurization deduster applicable industry 1 Coating and non-woven fabric industry 1 1 Economic and

Order Tel:18616096121

Product Info

Boiler smoke desulfurization deduster applicable industry

   1. Coating and non-woven fabric industry
   1.1 Economic and energy saving: realize the conversion of fuel from diesel to coal, so that a production line of 250,000 kcal can save thousands of yuan in costs every day.
   1.2 Environmental protection: While burning coal directly, no black smoke will be emitted, and the flue gas desulfurization equipment will meet the smoke emission standards of the national environmental protection department.
   1.3 Safety: The burner is a pressureless product, safe and reliable, stable operation, and easy operation.
   1.4 Applicable coal types: a, Shenmu coal b, Class II bituminous coal
   2. Inverted flame kiln smoke and desulfurization and dust removal, tunnel furnace dust removal, heating furnace dust removal, kiln furnace dust removal, push plate furnace dust removal, hand-fired furnace dust removal Traditional kiln fuel can be divided into two categories, one is clean fuel (natural gas , Liquefied gas, coal gas, diesel, etc.), these fuels have high costs and scarce resources; the second category is heavily polluted fuels (heavy oil, anthracite, coke, bituminous coal, etc.). Although these fuels have lower costs, they do not meet the environmental protection requirements Even if a large amount of capital is invested in dust removal equipment, it cannot solve the black smoke problem. The dust removal burner overcomes the above two major defects, and has been widely used in inverted flame kiln smoke and desulfurization and dust removal, tunnel furnace dust removal, heating furnace dust removal, kiln furnace dust removal, push plate furnace dust removal, hand-fired furnace dust removal, etc. Operating costs, and fully meet the environmental emission standards.
Purchase:Boiler dust removal series-boiler smoke and desulfurization dust collector
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